Thursday, March 23, 2017

Make THE diference

              I know that I haven't been posting lately, and I'm sorry. I've been thinking about ways to help the world we live in and make it better. You'd be surprised how long it took me to realize that a single person can only make a ripple in society. I tried so many things! I tried inspirational blogs ( Which didn't work out very well ) and so much more! I thought that I could reach out to you. Yes, you! You can help me in the fight against negativity. Walk down the street and help someone. Spread the word about kindness and positivity! You can do so much just by spreading the word! Just by helping someone who is down or smiling with someone who is sad! One by one, we can change the world.


                   ~ Caroline

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

One word can change your life

         So, imagine that you are getting angry or upset with someone. Things are said, and mistakes are formed. Has this type of a situation ever happen to you before? It has definitely happened to me. I was scrolling down Pinterest, you know looking for DIY crafts and all that jazz when I came across a really good story.

    The story is about a boy who needs help dealing with his anger. His Father had come up with an idea. His idea was for whenever the boy got mad and did wrong, to hammer a nail into a fence. Pretty soon, the fence had a lot of nails in it! But, the boy's behavior had improved. The boy comes up to the Father telling him that he does not need to hammer anymore. The father, of course, pleased, said that whenever you do good or handle a situation correctly, remove a nail from the fence. After all the nails are gone, the boy proudly marches up to his Dad and tells him. The Father says " Now, look at the fence, what do you see?" The boy answers saying " Holes. I see holes where the nails were."  The Father tells the boy" You can apologize and whoever may forgive, but things will never be the same and will never be forgotten. Do you understand?" The boy nods.

    Take a minute to think about what you're going to say to someone, because, Each time you don't, a new hole, scar and memory is created.

Image result for fence

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Achieve your goal!

          Everybody has goals in their lives... I know I have some and I know that you have one too! Goals can be small and almost forgotten. They can be big and it seems like unachievable! But you can reach those goals, big and small! Don't ever tell yourself that you can not do it. If you ever need support, talk to your family and friend, because they are closer than you think. I hope that you can achieve all the goals you set and all the ones you didn't even know you had.

Sincerely~ Caroline

Friday, November 25, 2016

A new schedual

I have decided that posting only two days a week is not enough, sooo, I would like to post more often. Instead of posting on Monday's and Sunday's, I will be posting more and more often. There is no exact time or date when I will be posting.

I just wanted to share this "news" with you so that you wouldn't be confused. I am very excited for this new change!

Sincerely~ Caroline

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

free survey!

Free survey!

I would always like to know how my blog is doing. I recently discovered polls... I know, I'm a little behind😂 Please take this free, anonymous survey. Thanks!

ps. just copy and paste the link into the search bar!


       So, I am going to be pretty busy tomorrow because of Thanksgiving, so, I thought that I would just post tonight😊. I want to talk about being thankful tonight.

     Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks while surrounded by close friends and family.  What are you thankful for? Your brand new shoes? How about your new car? Those are all great but go a little deeper. Imagine if you lost your family, and you're all alone. Would you be thankful for your family after that? I am thankful for having my family by my side. I am thankful for the love that my friends spread to me when I'm sad or down. Think of all the things that you don't really think about all the time, consider what would happen if everything, disappeared?

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving filled with turkey, pie, and mashed potatoes. But, most of all, I hope that you can show how much you appreciate those around you. Because they will be very thankful for your love.

           Sincerly~ Caroline

Have a great holiday!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

A quote to make you think.

Image result for today is the first day of the rest of your life 

       So, on the first day of school, my social studies teacher put a quote up on the board. It read, "today is the first day of the rest of your life" Don't let your past define who you are or how you act. live in the present, it is the gift of life.